Hello everyone,
We look forward to seeing you today at the ATTC Directors meeting. The agenda is attached and available on the
Official meeting begins at 3pm ET/2pm CT/1pm MT/12PM PT.
Thank you!
Vanessa Mendoza
Project Support Coordinator │ATTC/ITTC Network Coordinating Office
Collaborative to Advance Health Services
UMKC School of Nursing and Health Studies
2464 Charlotte St. Suite 3414
Kansas City, MO 64108
Pronouns: she/her/hers
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Mendoza, Vanessa
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 3:30 PM
To: Mendoza, Vanessa; attc-steering@ttc.simplelists.com
Cc: Skinstad, Anne H; Bear, Sean A; Roach-Moore, Abby; Chaple, Michael (NYSPI); Steine, Steven G; Bryan J. Hartzler; Koutsenok, Igor; Evanson, Tracy; Nichols, Maureen S; Christy, Cynthia; Glenn, James M; Freese, Thomas E.; Carvalho, Humberto (SAMHSA);
Tyus, Dawn; Rutkowski, Beth; Stilen, Patricia; Dennis M. Donovan; R D Jefferson; Maxine Henry; nroget@casat.org; sarajbecker@gmail.com; Johnson, Edward; Jeanne Pulvermacher; Todd Molfenter; Dr. Ibis S. Carrion; hireland@danyainstitute.org; Hagle, Holly; Hobbs,
Erin; Reinhardt, Kelly; james@glennandcompany.com; Cook, Mary S; Ruth Yanez; Helle, Ashley; Juntunen, Cindy; Nichols, Maureen S; Skov, Alex; dennav; Krom, Laurie; Scott Gatzke; Kris Kelly; Paul.Warren@nyspi.columbia.edu; Nilsa Padilla Elías; Jeanne Pulvermacher
Subject: Recurring ATTC Directors Meeting - FIRST 30 MIN OPTIONAL DROP-IN CHAT
When: Thursday, September 23, 2021 1:30 PM-3:15 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/93483890436?pwd=OEVzb2tWWUJYMmY5V2pPV0RqVWJXZz09&from=addon
Update: Please find the agenda for next week’s ATTC Directors meeting attached to this invite.
Meeting details