Hello ATTC and PTTC Directors and members of the Peer Recovery CoE,
The Collaborative to Advance Health Services (CAHS) at UMKC, the parent group that houses the ATTC and PTTC Network Coordinating Offices and the Peer Recovery Center of Excellence, is a partner on the newly expanded National Harm Reduction
TA Center (NHRTAC). As you may be aware, SAMHSA has provided resources to the NHRTAC to expand its scope beyond harm reduction efforts tied specifically to infectious disease. Part of our work at UMKC is to bridge the excellent work you are doing as ATTCs
and PTTCs and PR CoE with the NHRTAC since we are all SAMHSA funded. Again, the idea is to leverage SAMHSA-funded resources.
In partnership with eight national TA organizations, CAHS will soon be providing TA to community-based organizations, clinics, and other harm reduction service providers. We want to bring the ATTCs, PTTCs, and PR CoE into this TA as much as possible. As TA
requests come into the NHRTAC, part of our role will be to coordinate activities with the TTCs, which will open up opportunities for those with specific expertise to provide harm reduction technical assistance if interested. Understanding what is available
and our collective capacity will ensure that harm reduction providers successfully implement new programs and services or strengthen existing ones.
For ATTC and PTTC Regional Centers, we think this coordination is especially important because we understand why it is so very helpful to you if you are aware of what activities are going on in your regions.
Today I’m writing to ask for a bit of your precious time. We kindly ask that you
complete this brief survey so we can better assess our collective capacity to provide harm reduction TA. Please complete the survey by
COB 04/29/2022.
Thank you for your assistance.
Laurie Krom, MS
Mobile: 816-876-4699 / Office (voicemail only): 816-235-6985
Program Director, Collaborative to Advance Health Services
School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Health Sciences Building
2464 Charlotte
Suite 2411
Kansas City, MO 64108
Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network
Coordinating Office
International Technology Transfer Center (ITTC) Network
Coordinating Office
Peer Recovery Center of Excellence
ATTC Co-Director,
Opioid Response Network
Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network
Coordinating Office
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