Of interest
From: Tracy McPherson <McPherson-Tracy@norc.org>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 11:57 AM
To: Holly Hagle (holly@ireta.org) <holly@ireta.org>; Krom, Laurie J. <kroml@umkc.edu>
Subject: Webinar: Integrating STI and HIV Prevention into the SBIRT Model
We have launched registration for another exciting special topics webinar for the Hilton Adolescent SBIRT project. Here is a link to the homepage of this webinar: https://sbirt.webs.com/sti-hiv-sbirt
I’ve attached the flyer and promotional material that provides language for newsletters, social media, etc.
We would appreciate you sharing/promoting the webinar if you think your audience would be interested.
Please send us anything you would like us to promote as well.
Thanks so much,
Tracy L. McPherson, PhD | Senior Research
Public Health
NORC at the University of Chicago
4350 East West Highway, 8th Floor, Bethesda, MD 20814
| office (757) 427-1028 | mobile (703) 582-6391