CAHS Team,
Since our all-hands meeting in May, we have been working hard behind the scenes to get the desk assignments worked out and are moving to the next phase of making sure we have the equipment necessary for the Flex Work Stations to allow for
the most efficient work. Thank you to Kim and Kayla for their work in getting us to this point. Here are next steps:
i. If there is equipment at a flex work station (phone, monitor, keyboard, etc.) please do not move – leave them in the space.
i. Consolidate the files into one cabinet if there are multiple.
ii. Review the contents and try to determine a general timeframe for documents and identify what grant/PI the files are tied to. Summarize this information and send to me so appropriate
next steps can be determined.
iii. Put blue painters tape on any file cabinets you wish to have removed from your work space.
More information will continue to be organized and shared as we get closer to our August 16th return to campus target date. Thanks to all for patience.
Kelly Reinhardt
Director of Operations / 816-235-6278
The Collaborative to Advance Health Services
School of Nursing and Health Studies /
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Health Sciences Building
2464 Charlotte
Kansas City, MO 64108