Happy Friday, PTTCs!


Our PTTC Hub has a new look! Visit PTTChub.org to check out the Network’s new Intranet hub site. If you’ve gotten used to finding files in the PTTC Box folder, don’t worry – the Box folder is still available in the updated hub through the left sidebar. We will continue to build on this intranet site with helpful resources and templates for the PTTCs. All PTTC staff are encouraged to join the intranet and will need a personal account to access it. Creating a new account is easy and instructions are provided below.



NOTE: If you belong to an ATTC and already have an ATTC Hub account – no need to register again!  Just submit a ticket under “Website” at ttcrequest.zendesk.com and request that access to the PTTC Hub be added to your current account.


Step 1: To request an account visit PTTChub.org and select “Need an account?  Register here.



Step 2: Complete Hub Registration Form and select “Submit” – **Remember the password you create for your account!



You will receive an email confirming your Hub request has been received. 
Once your request is approved, you will receive a second email notifying you that you may now login.  


Step 3:  Return to PTTChub.org and login using the email and password you provided in your Hub Registration.



Step 4: When you login, Select “View My Profile” and then “Edit My Profile” to complete your profile and upload an image.





One last thing – PTTC Directors: let Viannella (halsallv@umkc.edu) know when all your PTTC staff have completed their intranet profiles. We have a special prize for the first PTTC team that completes all their Hub profiles!
