Welcome, Van and Carissa!

Looking forward to meeting you and working with you. 

Have a great weekend!



Julia Parnell Alexander, PhD (she/her) 

Co-Director, Great Lakes PTTC

Great Lakes ATTC, MHTTC, and PTTC: State Project Manager-IN 

jcparnell@wisc.edu     612-382-9508


Center for Health Enhancement Systems Studies (CHESS)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering / University of Wisconsin-Madison

4120 Mechanical Engineering Building 

1513 University Avenue

Madison, WI 53706

https://center.chess.wisc.edu [center.chess.wisc.edu] 

From: pttc@ttc.simplelists.com <pttc@ttc.simplelists.com> on behalf of Halsall, Viannella <halsallv@umkc.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2020 12:21 PM
To: pttc@ttc.simplelists.com <pttc@ttc.simplelists.com>
Subject: Introducing new PTTC NCO staff

Happy Friday, PTTCs!


The NCO is excited to e-introduce you to our two new team members, Van Wilson and Carissa Ruf. Both started with the NCO this month and are excited to meet you all. They will be assisting with PTTC directors meetings, working groups, reports, exhibits, national partnerships, and much more. Van and Carissa bring a passion for public health and diverse experiences with federally funded programs that will be valuable for our Center’s efforts to support you and the Network.




Van Wilson, MSW MPH, brings to the PTTC NCO a background in Medicaid and Medicare, full-spectrum care coordination, and direct social work practice. As project manager for Colorado’s federal demonstration to improve care for dually-eligible Medicare-Medicaid enrollees, he spearheaded initiatives in cross-system connectivity and collaboration, disability competence, and provider education. As a public health professional, Mr. Wilson wholeheartedly subscribes to the ‘ounce of prevention’ adage, and is excited to learn more about our burgeoning field.





Carissa Ruf, MPH CHES®, is a certified health education specialist and has experience working in non-profit, college health, and the government sector.  She received her BA in theatre/minor in health education from Longwood University, and MPH and Mental Health Certificate from Emory University. Prior to joining the PTTC Network Coordinating Office, Carissa worked as a CDC Fellow and health promotion specialist for a university.


They are both thrilled to join the team at the NCO and look forward to working alongside the experts in the PTTCs to support and expand our vital work. When you see them in your next Network meeting, please help us in welcoming them to the PTTCs.


Have a great weekend!



Viannella Halsall, MPH CHES® / Pronouns: she, her, hers

Technology Transfer Centers, Operations Director

The Collaborative to Advance Health Services

UMKC School of Nursing & Health Studies

2464 Charlotte Street / Kansas City, MO 64108

O: 816.235.1617 / F: 816.235.1701 / E: halsallv@umkc.edu


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