Hello all and happy Friday.


You’ve all been seeing email regarding moving to a new listserv platform, consider this the first official message! For the next week, NCO staff will be using our new listserv addresses as well as the current (soon to be old) listserv addresses. We apologize for the duplication of emails for those of you that have confirmed yourselves by clicking on the confirmation link in an email sent from ttc.simplelists.com. We know some of you have not been able to confirm, that is the reason we will use both new and old listserv addresses for the next week. Reminder that the current (soon to be old) listerv platform will cease to exist after Friday, June 7, 2018.

There are many new features we are excited to share with you including a much simpler process to subscribe and unsubscribe yourselves!


Have a great weekend all, and please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Welcome to your new TTC listserv!


Cindy and your NCOs team.


Cindy Christy

ATTC Network Coordinating Office

PTTC Network Coordinating Office

National CPN Resource Center
Collaborative to Advance Health Services

University of Missouri – Kansas City | School of Nursing and Health Studies

Health Sciences Building |  2464 Charlotte St., Suite 2426 | Kansas City, MO 64108
816-235-6888  | 