Dear TTC Colleagues-

The Cross-TTC Implementation Strategies Infographic Coordination Group, a subgroup from the TTC D&I Working Group, is looking for members to serve on the 2023-2024 Coordination Group. Members would contribute to the development of implementation strategy infographics like the ones recently published here.  

Please complete the Google form HERE by COB September 1 if you are interested in contributing to the work of this group. The group welcomes all interested individuals and you may indicate your level of capacity within the form. 

We hope you join us!

Kind regards,

Felicia Benson, MA | Project Coordinator

Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network Coordinating Office (NCO)

Clinical Research Coordinator

Center for Dissemination & Implementation (CDI)

Division of Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Stanford University School of Medicine MC 5265

1070 Arastradero Road | Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: 415-577-8837


Learn more about the MHTTC Network and CDI